At OakBend Physical Therapy Managed by Cryer Physical Therapy, we are committed to offering the most comprehensive set of services to cover all of your physical therapy needs. We have locations around the Houston area with experts in their field of specialties, who provide the most advanced techniques and targeted treatments to get you on the road to recovery as quickly as possible. Our mission is to get you back on track so that you can enjoy a better quality of life. Because not all centers provide the same services, please check to see which of our offices offers the physical therapy treatments you need, and make an appointment today.
Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
Manual Therapy
- Soft tissue mobilization
- Joint Mobilization
- IASTM (Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization)
Treatments and Other Services
- McKenzie Protocol
- Therapeutic Exercise
- Sports Rehab
- Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training
- Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)
- Thermaprobe Therapy
- Vasopneumatic Therapy (i.e. cold compression)
- Therapeutic Ultrasound
- Electrical Stimulation
- Kinesiotaping
- Gait Analysis
- Posture Assessment
- Ergonomic Analysis
- Instruction in Joint Saving Techniques
Conditions treated
- General Deconditioning Balance
- Arthritis
- Degenerative Joint Disease
- Tendonitis/Bursitis
- Nerve injuries
- Back and Neck pain (chronic and acute)
- Shoulder pain
- Hip, Knee and Ankle Pain
- Headaches
- Post COVID and long COVID
- Ligament/Tendon tears and sprains (pre and post surgery)
- Total Joint Replacement (pre and post surgery)